T O P I C R E V I E W |
Black Sheep |
Posted - 22 Dec 2013 : 18:01:09 Maleficium ,the first supplement for the Witchfinder General game, is almost ready for publication - despite a lengthy delay allegedly caused by numerous insidious attempts by the forces of evil* to thwart its release.
Maleficium will introduce a diverse range of new combatants, with fun rules, that will allow players to add more challenges and variety to their folklore-historical wargames.
The sinister Lord Norfolk, with his mysterious retinue, spread hatred and discontent across the land.
Old Nick himself makes an appearance - issuing cruel commands to his legion of demonic minions.
The Witches of Putham Down have formed a unholy pact with Old Nick and, in return, they have the ability to create and unleash the foulest magic - including a most feared plague potion.
The Witchfinders answer a call for help after several farming families and their cattle have disappeared. The Witchfinder's investigation leads to brutal conflict with the deadly Faeries of the Unseelie Court.
Fortunately the Witchfinders have new allies. The skilled warriors of Clan McHardy bravely join the fight against the pernicious vile abominations. There is more to bagpipes than meets the ear. The Highlander rules also offer the option for gamers to play 'straight' historical wargames involving traditional cattle raiding and inter Clan feuding.
In response to the near starvation and general hardship, faced by many in those turbulent C17th days, masked Digger Raiding Parties rise against injustice. The Diggers are driven by an idealistic vision of land, food and freedom for all common folk - and they are prepared to fight for it. There are rumours that the Diggers do not act alone and it is said that The Green Man of old assists them in battle.
Young Megan joins Stickler Mitchell in a quest to expose and destroy Prince Schubert as the entire country is dragged by lies and deception towards open civil war.
Maleficium contains six exciting new encounters. These include 'Trapped'; a small group of Witchfinders are surrounded and must make a valiant last stand in a ruined monastery. Unfortunately for the Witchfinders their foe is not an ordinary Blinder patrol - it is a pack of notorious Blinder Berserkers. The daylight is fading, shotte is running low and a full moon is rising!
Players can also do battle against 'The Plagued' in the devastated town of Whitbay whilst trying to avoid 'friendly' mortar fire; attempts can be made to contain (or cause) trouble at the windmill and players can face ( or dispense ) the wrath of the Unseelie Court. There is nowhere to hide - remote Highland communities fight for their very survival and an evil alliance - forged at Ellsmouth Castle - must be stopped.
Maleficium also contains photographs of the miniatures used in the game and the stunning artwork of two talented artists.
* the allegation that evil forces have delayed the publication of Maleficium is entirely inaccurate (although one recent episode of man-flu was a bit suspicious). It has simply taken much longer than anticipated - such as painting tartan!. I would like to thank folk for a really great year. From Hammerhead in February through to Smoggycon in November it has been a real pleasure to meet so many fellow gamers who have taken the time to trial a game of Witchfinder. I would especially like to thank 'Those That Shall Be Named ( in Maleficium) for their invaluable help with play testing, sharing their inspirational ideas, proof reading, painting figures, superb artwork, contributions to the forum and Yahoo group, the production of the first Witchfinder figures (from sculpting to casting) and friendship. I wish everyone all the very best for 2014.
15 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Ganaud |
Posted - 03 Jun 2018 : 21:57:17 I have it on good authority that it’s still coming out. I’ll buy it! |
Black Sheep |
Posted - 01 Jun 2018 : 18:46:19 Thanks Pijlie  |
Pijlie |
Posted - 25 May 2018 : 15:25:46 Just to let you know some people have not given up hope yet 
Winning is fun, but fun is more fun. |
Black Sheep |
Posted - 29 Dec 2017 : 19:33:12 No it is not dead in the water - thanks for your continued interest. I will give an update when it is 100% ready for printing. Best wishes for 2018. |
Sir Gervase Lucas |
Posted - 14 Oct 2017 : 11:18:18 ''Sorry not yet'' implies that it is not dead in the water!
I can live with that thought. That way I can still look forward to it  |
Black Sheep |
Posted - 30 Sep 2017 : 07:33:11 quote: Originally posted by avmavm
Did this ever get released?
Sorry - not yet. |
n/a |
Posted - 27 Sep 2017 : 21:21:59 Did this ever get released? |
RapierMiniatures |
Posted - 28 Jul 2014 : 21:30:36 Is it here yet?
www.rapierminiatures.co.uk |
itchy |
Posted - 17 Jul 2014 : 21:47:01 Hi Eccles ,will do Im bit busy with other stuff but planning some games for next month and will let you know .
http://wargamesandwalking.blogspot.co.uk/ |
Eccles |
Posted - 16 Jul 2014 : 09:08:16 Let me know if you fancy a game, Itchy. I'm at j29. |
Pijlie |
Posted - 17 Jun 2014 : 21:11:55 Looks very good! Finally an excuse to get some Highlanders.... 
Winning is fun, but fun is more fun. |
itchy |
Posted - 02 Jun 2014 : 19:32:45 Looking good 
http://wargamesandwalking.blogspot.co.uk/ |
Black Sheep |
Posted - 31 May 2014 : 11:28:36 I hope all fellow Witchfinder players are well.
There is a lot happening behind the scenes with the production of Maleficium.
Here is a link to the first WIP preview photograph of some of the pages from the supplement.
Those of us that frequent the Warlord Games Forum and the Olde England Grown New Blog will have already seen the work of Mike Jackson – a very talented miniature painter and cartoonist. I am very pleased to announce that Mike is currently completing the layout for Maleficium after the ‘Grammar Men’ had scrutinised and corrected the text.
Sarissa Precision are producing a quality laser cut ‘Hand of Fate’ template to accompany the new rules in the supplement for grenadoes, mortar fire, house fires and wind direction. This template will be available when the supplement is released.
Ian Mountain is currently sculpting the next two Witchfinder miniatures.
Although the publication of Maleficium will be much later than anticipated (entirely due to my delay with completing the rules) I hope Witchfinder players will find that when Maleficium is released it provides them with many hours of wargaming fun . Please continue to ‘watch this space’ for confirmation of the official release date.
Cheers Black Sheep |
Black Sheep |
Posted - 03 Apr 2014 : 18:47:37 Cheers itchy - thanks for your patience . |
itchy |
Posted - 02 Apr 2014 : 17:31:19 can't wait for the supplement and for more figures 
http://wargamesandwalking.blogspot.co.uk/ |